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In 2014 Transparency International ranked the country 172 out of 175 in its Corruption Perceptions Index.Food hygiene is terrible in Afghanistan, with 60 children out of 1,000 dying from diarrhoea before the age of five, according to the French NGO Acted.Naveed buys his hot dogs — made of chicken, with pork a hard sell in mostly-Muslim Afghanistan — frozen from Karachi, the Pakistani port megacity located 1,400 kilometres from Kabul.”

Naveed’s success is all the rarer in Afghanistan, far from being a haven for entrepreneurs despite all the promises from President Ashraf Ghani, himself a former economist with the World Bank.                    end-of.The country’s middle classes speak English and work in foreign NGOs, government ministries or Western companies based in Afghanistan. “We have to pay attention to the conditions of the journey to be sure everything is going well, otherwise our cargo tray type rotary moulder machine rots,” says the 26-year old entrepreneur. For now, Naveed has found a successful route: Mohammed says his burger tastes just fine, as does the hot dog he also purchased, even if the fare is a long way from the tempting morsels available from food trucks in Paris or New York. When the first Lazeez food truck arrived, many mistook it for a rickshaw and wanted to hail a ride. He serves a handful of customers, who are seemingly undeterred by the roadside pollution, and bullish about the sourcing and sanitation of the meat.Red tape, renewed violence, and endemic corruption have not helped to create a business-friendly environment in the country.“Unfortunately no food truck offers Afghan dishes,” laments Nassir, a student who is getting ready to chow down on a chicken sandwich from Manoto, a food truck also doing the rounds in Kabul like Lazeez.

They stand apart from the vast majority of the population, in which just 32 percent of adults can read and write, according to a 2011 Unesco figure.After expenses and paying his employees, Naveed pockets 150 a day, a fortune in Afghanistan where 72 percent of households earn less than 150 a month and social inequalities are enormous.Today Naveed has 15 employees and business is going well — for example, Obaidullah says the truck he manages serves between 30 and 60 customers a day.“Sure I’d prefer rice and Afghan dishes but they don’t have them,” says Saifuddin, a cleaner.

“They don’t know that it’s only a food truck, nor do they know where we’re allowed park,” he explains.So for Naveed Noori, who founded Lazeez with his cousin Abdullah Karim, finding meat without breaking the cold chain — the series of transportation and storage options that maintain a given temperature — is a challenge.Take Idriss Atef, a telecommunications engineer who is paying a flying visit to a Lazeez food truck.“Even so, that’s expensive because I earn 6,000 afghanis (87) a month and I’ve got 12 mouths to feed,” he says wearily. But it took little time for the city’s emerging middle class to embrace the novelty of canteens-on-wheels serving Western fast foods around town.An Afghan customer buys a burger from a Lazeez food truck in Kabul. “It’s the first time I’ve eaten from a food truck,” he admits. (Photo: AFP) When the first Lazeez food truck arrived in Kabul many mistook it for a rickshaw and wanted to hail a ride — the yellow chassis and three wheels so reminiscent of taxis popular in South Asia.But, echoing workers in London or New York, he adds: “I’m busy, I don’t have time to go to a restaurant, sit down and order something.150 a dayIt has been a year and a half since the six food trucks emblazoned with the Lazeez logo — meaning “delicious” in Dari, one of Afghanistan’s two national languages — began crisscrossing the streets of Kabul.

Naveed knows something about corruption and can always count on the police to stop him from selling his hot dogs.“I work for the council so I get a special price — I pay 50 afghanis (less than a dollar) for my hotdog instead of 100,” he explains.Burgers and bribes The popularity of food trucks in Kabul owes less to their culinary offerings than the slow lifestyle changes of an emerging middle class.Congregating in Kabul, this worldier group has a need for speed.“Us Afghans are immune to all sorts of illnesses,” jokes Mohammed — an oral hygiene student buying a quick burger.His success is even more impressive given that spiced dishes of lamb, mutton and rice still enjoy pride of place in Afghan cuisine, rather than the American fast food which has become so entrenched elsewhere.Parked on one of the capital’s busiest roads, Obaidullah’s truck — emblazoned with a giant hot dog, and the Lazeez logo — is unmissable.

Posté le 16/12/2021 à 03:40 par eposiactio
Catégorie Soft waffle forming Machine

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One element of the controversy is a contest between two paradigms of healthcare, the holistic ancient systems like ayurveda versus the “modern” allopathic system based on drugs and pharmaceuticals.  

The called a strike to protest against this bill, after which it was referred to a parliamentary select committee.To function in a healthy way, the gut microbiome needs a diverse diet and a diverse diet needs diversity in our fields and gardens. Our sciences have been based on the recognition of the inter-connections and inter-relatedness between humans and nature, between diverse organisms, and within all living systems including the human body.

In India, a multi-dimensional debate emerged when the   was introduced in Parliament.There have been many objections to the bill. Bayer and Monsanto are now merging. It is based on the ecological science of inter-connectedness. The chemicalisation of health has created new Iatrogenic disease which are the result of mechanistic chemical approaches and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures which result in adverse drug reactions and side-effects often more fatal than the disease being attempted to be cured. They have been assessed in the context of contributing to the well-being of all. The bill seeks to allow practitioners of ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, unani, siddha and homoeopathy to practice modern medicine once they complete a short-term “bridge” course. With the repeated failures and limitations of the reductionist approach to life, in agriculture and in health, the relevance of agro-ecology and ayurveda grows. The mechanistic worldview sees us as separate from nature and each part of our body as separate from all others, as parts of a machine are.While the objection of allopathic doctors is to ayurveda and other traditional medicine practitioners being able to practise “modern medicine”, my objection is to the degradation and devaluation of one of the oldest and most sophisticated health systems being swallowed by a mechanistic, commodified system.                    end-of                Tags: pharmaceutical industry, bayer, ayurveda, ima. The first is holistic and sees connections between the health of the planet and our health.Ayurveda — the science (veda) of life (ayur) — is guided by 5,000 years of time-tested knowledge of health, nutrition and diet.The ayurvedic science of health is centred around food.The holistic sciences like ayurveda are based on inter-connectedness and living processes while “modern medicine” is based on a mechanistic paradigm of separation, reductionism, fragmentation and on pharmaceuticals derived from the chemicals and dye industry over 100 years ago. Om Peace, Peace, Peace. Health is defined as a commodity we buy from the pharmaceutical industry. It tries to reduce the rich systems of knowledge of agro-ecology and ayurveda to a mechanistic basis, thus robbing the systems’ paradigm of its very strength.Diverse knowledge systems are scientific within their own paradigms. Our gut is a microbiome which contains trillions of bacteria. I prefer to call them food style diseases.

Today, Western science has begun to realise what ayurveda understood 5,000 China Aerated Mixer Suppliers years ago — that the body is not a machine and food is not fuel that runs this machine as per Newton’s laws of mass and motion.)Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah has been our philosophy and the objective which guides all science, technology and knowledge.In a mechanistic paradigm, chemical, mechanical and genetic technologies become the measure of the sophistication of a health system. There are 100,000 times more microbes in our gut than people on the planet.There is a growing awareness that the epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases is related to our environment and food. I see it as one of India’s greatest gifts to the world, along with agro-ecology and organic farming brought to the West by Sir Albert Howard through his agricultural testament. But technologies are tools. The principles of self-organisation were identified by the ayurveda thousands of years ago. We are now seeing the emergence of an epidemic of non-communicable chronic diseases related to food and the environment.We pray — Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah| Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet| Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih!  

Be Happy, May All be Free from Illness. May All See what is Auspicious, May no one Suffer.It has thus evolved as an ecological and a systems science, not a fragmented and reductionist one.The industrial health system and the mechanistic reductionist paradigm of health that it is based on cannot be the future of a healthy planet and healthy people.Ayurveda recognises that every part of the body is inter-related and that the digestive system plays an important role in both health and disease. Tools and technologies have not been viewed as self-referential in Indian civilisation. The second one is reductionistic, mechanistic and commercial.The toxic chemical industry is responsible for many of the chronic disease epidemics we face. They are referred to as lifestyle diseases.Because we are more bacteria than human, when the poisons we use in agriculture such as pesticides and herbicides, reach our gut through food, they can kill beneficialbacteria. We need holistic systems to understand the inter-connection between living beings and the earth so that we can live in ways that contribute to a healthy planet and healthy people. This is a “knowledge apartheid” which prevents us from obtaining real answers on how to live healthy lives. Food is not “mass”; it is living, it’s the source of life and health.

There is an intimate connection between the soil, plants, our gut and brain. “Science” is derived from the Latin scire — “to know”.Instead of degrading ayurveda by fitting it into the mechanistic paradigm, it is time to evolve a biodiversity of health and knowledge systems that recognise the ecology of health, our bodies and the connection of our health to the health of the earth. Today, biological sciences are gaining an understanding that the body is not a machine; it’s a complex, self-organised and self-regulated ecosystem.In the United States and Britain, intense debates are taking place over  Obamacare and the NHS, on whether health is a public good or a privatised commodity for sale.Across the world, there is an intense contest emerging between two paradigms of health and two paradigms of science. Tools must be assessed on ethical, social and ecological criteria.  

A loss of diversity in our diet creates ill-health. Food is central to the well-being of the planet and people, their health and healing.The mechanistic paradigm has transformed the diversity of knowledge systems into a hierarchy, privileging the mechanistic and reductionistic paradigm as the only science, pushing all other knowledge systems to oblivion or treating them as inferior.The same chemical industry that brings us toxics in agriculture also controls “modern medicine” based on pharmaceuticals. Mechanistic reductionist thinking does not just reduce the world to fragmented parts, but also reduces our capacity to know.

Posté le 18/11/2021 à 03:16 par eposiactio
Catégorie OEM rotary oven

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“The majority of people who die from food allergy are actually aware of what they are allergic to. “Almost half of the people who thought they had food allergies in this study did not.”Keet wasn’t surprised that few people had an EpiPen prescription.  

All told, 40,433 US adults completed the food allergy survey, for which they received 5 each.“The main message from the survey is that one in five adults have some kind of food-related conditions that are causing them to avoid certain foods,” said Dr Ruchi Gupta of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and the Ann & Robert H.“EpiPens are expensive and you need a doctor prescription every year.Among those who were determined to have a food allergy, 48 per cent reported developing at least one of their allergies in adulthood, while 26.  

“And one in 10 has what looks convincingly like a food allergy - and of those, only half are getting a proper diagnosis by a physician.”The fact that fewer than a quarter of those with food allergies had a prescription for an EpiPen to deal with life-threatening reactions is concerning, Reisacher said.2 per cent said they believed they had food allergies, but their symptoms suggested other causes, according to the report inJAMA Network Open.8 per cent reported the kinds of severe symptoms that are consistent with a food allergy, and another 8. “One of the most common places for accidental exposure is restaurants,” he said.People who didn’t have these reactions were assumed to have a food intolerance, such as celiac disease or lactose intolerance, or a non-allergy mediated reaction in the mouth. “I think this will give a lot of people pause,” said Reisacher, who was not affiliated with the new research.”“What’s also important is the number of adults and children who think they have food allergies and don’t,” said Keet, who was not involved in the new study.3 per cent reported they had been to the emergency room for a life-threatening reaction, while fewer than one quarter, 24 per cent, said they had a prescription for epinephrine to be used in case of a severe reaction. The results are very compelling. “It makes you wonder what is happening in adults causing all these allergies.While Gupta had occasionally heard adults saying they China Cookie Machine Factory used to be able to eat food like shellfish, but had to give it up because of severe reactions, she was most surprised that among those with food allergies, “almost half reported developing at least one food allergy as an adult.9 per cent developed food allergies only in adulthood. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.”Food allergies haven’t been studied much in adults, so “I think this is a really important article,” said Dr William Reisacher, director of allergy services at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.                    end-of                Tags: american adults, adults, food allergies, diet, adulthood, epipen, nutrition.”The new study “points to the fact that this is not something that receives a lot of attention and it needs to receive more attention,” said Dr  Corinne Keet, an allergy specialist at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore. “There was definitely a need for a study like this.5 per cent, said they had gotten a diagnosis from a physician, 38.Those deemed to have a food allergy had least one convincing food allergy symptom, which meant a severe reaction involving the skin or oral mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular or respiratory tract.Among more than 40,000 adults surveyed, 10. The most common foods causing allergies in these adults were shellfish, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, and finfish. “They think they are not at risk if they follow a restriction diet,” she said. It was thought that maybe four to five per cent of adults had food allergies.”To take a closer look at food allergies in adults, Gupta and her colleagues turned to two internet-based panels of people who have agreed to fill out surveys for a small remuneration, the AmeriSpeak panel and a panel put together by SSI Dynamix, a market research company. So I’m not surprised they don’t have them, even though they should,” she added.  

“We think of food allergies as a childhood disease and clearly there are a lot of adults who have food allergies and their management and treatment may be different from children’s. This is double that.”Reisacher was also surprised at how many people had developed food allergies in adulthood. That’s a big number. That’s a lot of people on unnecessary elimination diets that could have consequences in terms of cost, worry and nutritional impact.Fewer than a half of the people with food allergies.

Posté le 22/09/2021 à 09:23 par eposiactio
Catégorie OEM rotary oven

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Desi ghee and edible oils purchased by the committee for use in Langar are standardised and tested for purity in government labs. All regular employees engaged in Langar kitchen are required to wear aprons, gloves and head covers.

The stricter set of food safety standards and hygiene have been put in place at all the 10 Gurudwaras where around one lakh devotees partake Langar, said Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) president Manjit Singh. A non-profit group has been engaged by the committee for regular training and updating of the Langar employees and food handlers in matters relating to food safety and hygiene standards, Singh said. All Langar premises are cleaned twice a day to ensure proper sanitation and hygiene standards, he added.The management committee is in regular touch with civic agencies to ensure strict adherence to guidelines and directives for hygienic maintenance of Langar places.Around one Lakh devotees partake Prasad (Guru Ka Langar) in these Gurdwaras on weekdays and the number rises to more than five Lakhs on weekend and festive occasions, he said. The project was among the Safe and Nutritious Food (SNF) bouquet of initiatives launched by the countryapex food regulator in 2017.Workshops and training sessions are organised for the food handlers and vendors in Gurudwaras to sensitise them about the need for food safety regulations and health hygiene, he added.New Delhi: Ten Gurudwaras in the national capital including the historical Bangla Sahib Gurudwara have implemented the food safety and hygiene standards set by food regulator Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).Payment to suppliers is made only after the lab reports are obtained, he said.  

Azadpur Mandi to ensure freshness and nutritional contents, while fortified staple items rice, flour and milk are procured to make prasad nutritious and wholesome, he said.The FSSAI has initiated Project BHOG (Blissful Rotate type wafer roll machine Factory Hygienic Offering to God) to encourage all places of worship in the country to adopt and maintain food safety and hygiene in the preparation of Prasad."DSGMC has surpassed the stringent targets set by Union Ministry of Health under FSSAIproject BHOG to ensure that Sikh Sangat (visiting devotees) are served safe, hygienic and nutritious prasad at all the ten historic historic gurudwaras managed by it in national capital," Singh claimed.

The management committee has set up food safety and hygiene standards for the community kitchens preparing Langar and Prasad with rules related with procurement of ingredients like ghee, vegetables, milk and grains. Certain items like chapatis are prepared using standard equipment without being touched by food handlers.Reverse osmosis (RO) plants have been set up to provide clean water for cooking to prevent contamination of food. Apart from materials used, the training and adoption of hygienic practices by the food handlers is being closely monitored, Singh said.

Posté le 11/08/2021 à 05:14 par eposiactio
Catégorie Soft waffle forming Machine

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They controlled for an asthma diagnosis in the children, as anxiety and mood disorders are more prevalent among youth with asthma and especially more common in low socioeconomic minority children.  

Approximately 48 percent of the children had symptoms of depression with or without a food allergy. Goodwin, noted, "There are a number of possible explanations for the relationship found between food allergy diagnosis and increased social anxiety issues in this sample of pediatric patients."The researchers also point out a possible explanation for not finding a link between food allergy and depression in children. Management of a potentially life-threatening condition may be anxiety provoking, and some children may experience increased social anxiety about being "different" from other children depending on their age and how food allergy is managed by adults in a particular setting.  

According to a new study, children with a food allergy had a significantly higher prevalence of childhood anxiety. Goodwin concluded by saying, ""With the high prevalence of food allergies today, education in schools remains a priority. The team studied 80 pediatric patients aged 4 to12 years, eight years old on average, with and without food allergy and their caregivers from urban pediatric outpatient clinics in the Bronx, New York. The sample was young, and the mean age of onset for depression is significantly later than anxiety.Food allergies were not associated with symptoms of childhood depression or with symptoms of anxiety or depression among their caregivers.Washington: Your allergy to food items might be one of the reasons for it.The results suggest that food allergy is particularly linked to elevated social anxiety and fear of social rejection and humiliation."It would be worthwhile to examine these relationships among older adolescents and young adults with food allergy who are at the peak of risk for depression onset, especially because early anxiety is associated with increased risk for subsequent onset of depression," said Jonathan Feldman, PhD, professor of Psychology at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University. Among the children with a food allergy, 57 percent reported having symptoms of anxiety compared to 48 percent of children without a food allergy.Dr. Given the strong association between food allergy and social anxiety in children future investigations on the food allergy-mental health relationship are also warranted in clinical, school, and community-based settings which could aid in the development of interventions.

Those living in deprived areas more prone to anxietyUnderstanding money reduces anxiety about old age. Dr. These demands could result in higher levels of anxiety for those with fewer financial resources and further heighten anxiety symptoms in children and their caregivers," said Renee Goodwin, PhD, in the Department of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health and lead author."Management of food allergy can be expensive both Fully automatic vertical packing machine with scale in terms of food shopping, meal preparation, and the cost of epinephrine auto-injectors, which expire annually." The study was published in journal Pediatrics.

Posté le 13/07/2021 à 08:23 par eposiactio
Catégorie Soft waffle forming Machine

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